Meet muffintech

From the industry, for the industry - muffintech started as a fully digital, chat-based insurance broker. In doing so, we encountered all the challenges that our current customers deal with on a daily basis - meeting the needs of demanding customers with limited staff, ensuring quality, efficiency, cost-saving, and yet individualized service is no easy task.

The absolute game-changer for us was a conversational AI that we developed ourselves, trained specifically on insurance particulars, which enabled quantum leaps in productivity for us. Our customers now benefit from this - today, we no longer operate as brokers but focus on the technology and continuously develop this AI further so that they too can overcome these challenges.

From the industry, for the industry - muffintech started as a fully digital, chat-based insurance broker. In doing so, we encountered all the challenges that our current customers deal with on a daily basis - meeting the needs of demanding customers with limited staff, ensuring quality, efficiency, cost-saving, and yet individualized service is no easy task.

The absolute game-changer for us was a conversational AI that we developed ourselves, trained specifically on insurance particulars, which enabled quantum leaps in productivity for us. Our customers now benefit from this - today, we no longer operate as brokers but focus on the technology and continuously develop this AI further so that they too can overcome these challenges.

muffintech Milestones

muffintech Milestones

muffintech Milestones

The development of our company




The masterminds

He / Him

Simon Moser

CEO & Co-Founder

Simon Moser

Familiar with the insurance industry since his college days, where he worked part-time as an insurance broker. During his time as management consultant and in leadership roles in startups, his specialties were innovation and process optimization.

He / Him

Tomas Gan

COO & Co-Founder

Tomas Gan

Went straight into traditional insurance sales after school, where he was trained as an insurance and financial investment salesman. Since 2019, he has been in Berlin, consistently pursuing his mission to unite the traditional insurance industry with the startup world.

She / Her

Felix Koepp

CPO & Co-Founder

Felix Koepp

Felix brings profound understanding of product development and design to the insurance industry. With a strong focus on AI-driven products, she strives to revolutionize the interface between technology and user experience to increase efficiency and accessibility in the insurance industry.

They/ Them

Elli Wolf

CTO & Co-Founder

Elli Wolf

Elli started programming at the age of 12 and developed their first AI system at 14. With a Bachelor's degree in Software Engineering, they specialized in generative AI, particularly in modular artificial networks and Deep Reinforcement Learning. In addition to numerous freelance projects, they were the CTO of a social enterprise and is an EXIST scholarship holder.

muffintech Advisors

muffintech Advisors

muffintech Advisors

Herbert Nißel

Herbert has been active in the insurance industry for over 40 years. Among other achievements, he established Impuls AG, one of the largest brokers for private health insurance, which was acquired by Hanse Merkur.

"AI is not just an opportunity for insurance companies but also enables financial service distributors to offer comprehensive customer service as a crucial competitive advantage in the future. The founders of muffintech have embodied this vision from day one."

Prof. Roland Fassauer

Roland is a pioneering web entrepreneur who founded companies including Intershop, Aifinyo, and HeyLara. As an angel investor, he is involved in over 50 startups.

"As an angel investor and advisor for muffintech, I am fascinated by the blend of profound AI expertise and a clear understanding of the complex requirements of the insurance industry, which the team embodies convincingly. I am proud to be able to contribute to this development."

Daniel Feyler

Daniel leads two technology companies focused on insurance, ePrimus and InsurSaaS. He is also a regular contributor at events for executives in the insurance industry.

"In my role as an angel investor and advisor for muffintech, I have found the team's comprehensive expertise in artificial intelligence and understanding of the challenges in the insurance industry impressive. It's enjoyable to support the team on their journey."



Why we work

muffintech is on a mission to transform the insurance industry

Industry Data

We currently have over 30k conversations with users to train our LLM.


Over 10 years of specialized experience in the insurance sector.

Broad Network

Extensive connections within the insurance industry.

Continuous Model Improvement

Constant training using data from each new client, leading to ongoing model enhancement.