Our LLM is like an employee who never sleeps, never stops learning and who can do almost infinite tasks at the same time.



Safety net when the AI encounters situations it cannot handle. an actual person can step in, assess the situation, and provide a proper response or intervention, ensuring that critical errors are avoided and user safety is prioritized.

user safety

avoiding critical errors

Branded Interface

Branded Interface

At the core of our service we adapt our interface to your CI. We seamlessly integrate it into your website and app, providing users with a smooth, cohesive experience.

Embeded Knowledge Bases

Embeded Knowledge Bases

Get instant access to PDFs, websites, and transcripts. LLMs can use these abundant resources effortlessly to enhance their learning experience.




Digital Connections

to Insurance Services

Digital Connections

to Insurance Services

Access external services and retrieve real-time information. This capability enables our AI to provide up-to-date and accurate responses to user queries, enhancing the overall user experience.


Discover the power of our AI-driven insurance chatbot. Our virtual assistant is expertly trained for the insurance industry, offering instant 24/7 responses to streamline policy inquiries and claims processing. Try it out by asking anything you would like to know.


Discover the power of our AI-driven insurance chatbot. Our virtual assistant is expertly trained for the insurance industry, offering instant 24/7 responses to streamline policy inquiries and claims processing. Try it out by asking anything you would like to know.